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Are you a bit "not right in the head"?
Think you got jokes?
We Want You!
Hi, I'm a picture of Bill F@#%ing Murray. And if the real me were to see this, I would absolutely not support this organization.
8x 425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
1x Sensor Booster II
1x Tracking Computer II
2x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
1x Large Shield Extender II
1x 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
1x Damage Control II
2x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
3x Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Cargo Bay
1008x Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L
1000x Caldari Navy Uranium Charge L
1000x Caldari Navy Tungsten Charge L
1x Optimal Range Script
1x Tracking Speed Script
1x Targeting Range Script
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