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Are you a bit "not right in the head"?
Think you got jokes?
We Want You!
Hi, I'm a picture of Bill F@#%ing Murray. And if the real me were to see this, I would absolutely not support this organization.
Keres tengu fleet
Keres tengu fleet
1x 1MN Afterburner II
1x Remote Sensor Dampener II
2x Warp Disruptor II
1x Medium Shield Extender II
2x Power Diagnostic System II
1x Damage Control II
2x Small Core Defense Field Extender I
2x Light Neutron Blaster II
2x Warp Disruptor II
1x Phased Muon Scoped Sensor Dampener
1x 1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
1x Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
1x Damage Control II
1x Mark I Compact Power Diagnostic System
1x Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
2x Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Cargo Bay
1000x Void S
1000x Null S
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