Are you a bit "not right in the head"?
Think you got jokes?
We Want You!
Hi, I'm a picture of Bill F@#%ing Murray. And if the real me were to see this, I would absolutely not support this organization.
(PvP) Incursus: ScramKite
3x 125mm Railgun II
1x 1MN Afterburner II
1x Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
1x Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
1x Adaptive Nano Plating II
1x Damage Control II
1x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
1x Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
1x Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
2x Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
3x Light Ion Blaster II
1x 1MN Afterburner II
1x Small Capacitor Booster II
1x J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
2x Small Armor Repairer II
1x Energized Kinetic Membrane II
1x Armor Thermal Hardener II
1x Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
2x Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Cargo Bay
419x Void S
918x Null S
500x Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
3x Light Neutron Blaster II
1x Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
1x Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
1x 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
1x Adaptive Nano Plating II
1x IFFA Compact Damage Control
1x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
1x Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
1x Small Hybrid Burst Aerator II
2x Small Transverse Bulkhead I
Drone Bay
1x Hobgoblin II
Cargo Bay
177x Null S
1x Nanite Repair Paste